Logging in and loading hours
Online payroll system - enter your hours into Crystal Payroll by each Sunday
Employee pay processed fortnightly on Wednesday.
Select the blue button titled LOGIN and select 'Employee' from the drop down box.
Enter your user code and password (Carl will send this to you by email)
Select Timesheet
Enter the dates and times worked and then select a 'Job' from the list. You may need to enter multiple entries if you represented more than 1 client during your visit.
Once finished, check your total hours are correct. You do not need to click 'email to manager'
Email Carl with any mileage agreement. (this must be pre arranged)
Email Carl with any reimbursement of expenses – you must send in receipts for repayment of these.​

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Accessing your payslips
Payslip / Report Centre
Your pay slip and all details on your earnings will be available online once you have logged in.
Select 'Report/Inquiry’.
Select 'Earnings/Deduction’.
Select 'Employee Payslip’.
Select the pay period for the pay slip you wish to view. All payslips will remain on the system throughout the current tax year. You have the option to view, save or print your payslip. Should you wish to, there are a few reports you can run off such as your summary of earnings etc.
Payroll is process fortnightly on Wednesday.
Carl is your contact for anything to do with Payroll

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